
March 30, 2016

3 Pairs of Pants and An Easter Dress


If kids are anything, they’re 100% unpredictable.  On our flight down to Paraguay, Catherine did so well with sleeping and she didn’t need her extra set of clothes that I had in our carryon luggage.  On the way home, however, she needed her spare pair of pants after our first of 3 flights!  But I was so glad we had them!

It took her a bit longer to fall asleep on the overnight flight home, but once she did, she was out until they woke us all up for breakfast.  And that’s when I realized she’d soaked through her diaper and onto her pants… which meant we got off the plane in ATL with a baby in a shirt and diaper.  But the good news was that we had to claim our luggage and then recheck it, so I was able to get her a new outfit and she was pants-less no more!

We had a 5.5 hour layover but we were almost home so I didn’t grab another set of clothes… big mistake, Sabrina, big mistake.  We were 20 minutes out from boarding our last flight when I had Catherine in my lap reading one of her books and felt something warm on my leg. *sigh*  So not only did she need a new pair of pants, but I did too!  Sadly we were both out of luck.  So, she got on our last flight home pants-less once again.  I on the other hand, just dealt with it :-)  Obviously.

So I actually have iPhone photos of all 4 “outfits” purely for our entertainment… She started out in the white pants and flowery shirt above, moved onto her jeggings, in ATL she traded it all in for polka dot pants and a yellow shirt and then flew the last leg in her yellow shirt and diaper (Ben was installing her car seat so she was standing in my lap before takeoff).


But I want to leave you with our Easter photos and not just a diaper-clad baby.  Even though it was Easter Sunday, we took it as a day of rest and spend the day catching up on sleep and getting ready for the week ahead.  Catherine wouldn’t sit still for us to read the Easter story to her so I was telling her tidbits throughout the day :-)

And after lunch, I put her in her Easter dress for photos outside.  And we got our first taste of chasing down a toddler – our toddler! – for photos!

WalkingWalkingWalking.  I just gotta walk!


Be still my heart, I just love her!


And we love her plethora of facial expressions!


I don’t love this photo of me… it’s of my backside, in jeans that are too big, and my shirt(s) are a mess.  But my little girl is holding my hand and looking back at her daddy and I LOVE it.  And 90% of the time, she’s going to trump anything else happening in a photo.



I have a feeling we’re going to get this look a lot as she gets older :-)


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