
July 31, 2012

Families | Wofford College

Leslie and I played basketball together when we were in elementary school.  We went to different churches, but neither of our churches had enough girls for a team, so we joined together to make a team.  But, it wasn’t until high school that we started to hang out and become friends.  Little did I know that the summer of 1996 when we were in Europe, exploring side streets in Venice and loading up on Milka that we would still be friends all of these years later.  She’s the girl I’ve known the longest, she’s the girl whose faith has been an inspiration even though life isn’t always ideal, she’s the girl that even though she’s excelled in her career you would never know it because she embodies what it really means to be humble.  And her marriage?  It’s so strong.  I remember riding to Clemson games with her and Philip and talking about the need to wait for the right person… but even when that right person came along, it was still going to be work.

Leslie and Philip waited a while to start their family.  And while they waited, they traveled.  If you think Ben and I travel, you should talk to Leslie and Philip!  It seems like they’ve been around the world and back again :-)  Not really, but it’s fun to hear their stories.  And then… well, they had THE most adorable little red headed little girl I’ve ever met!  Allie is PRECIOUS and oh my goodness… she’s SO sweet!  But, as you’ll see, she’s already wanting and trying to do things on her own.  And she’s not even 2 yet!

Enough rambling… you came here to see pictures, so here are a few of my favorites…

 I still can’t believe she has red hair!

I LOVE these next few in black and white!

The one on the right might be my favorite.

I’m not sure she really knew what to think of me.  We don’t get to see each other very often, but between this session and being at the cabin this last December,
she hasn’t seen me much withOUT a camera in front of my face.  I’m afraid she may not recognize me without it.

Lexie and Sadie joined us for a little bit and well, if she had her way, Allie would walk them both all by herself.


See what I mean?

She wasn’t so sure about why I was taking pictures from behind them so I think she was coming to check out what I was up to.

I know I showed this as the sneak peak, but OH MY HEAVENS!  She’s just so adorable!

Oh, and her smile?  It’s nothing short of beautiful.

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