This has been the fastest year of my life. Well, aside from February through April last year, this past year has flown by. That adjustment to having a newborn and a toddler were flat out rough on me and postpartum depression hit me like a ton of bricks. Twice over. Thankfully, my husband and my doctor were amazing and I’m beyond thankful for their patience with me through all of that. There is no way I could have made it through those first few months without my friends and family. Even just having one of my friends come over to hold my baby while I took a nap was a life saver for me. It can be so difficult to ask for help, but PLEASE, if you’re struggling at all, reach out to someone you trust. I promise it’s not worth it to try and fight through something like that on your own.
In light of those first few months and how quickly the year flew by, it wasn’t until today (ONE YEAR LATER!) that I imported the photos from our first few days with Isa (pronounced Ee-suh) into Lightroom to edit. And I gave up feeling guilty about that a long time ago. Besides, it was SO sweet to look at these today as if I hadn’t seen them before!
I’m planning to take some official one-year-old photos of her in the next week but I did manage (with my mom’s help!) to get her monthly photo in her room today.
Sweet Isa, we are beyond thankful for you and how much JOY you have brought our family this past year. God has used you so much already and I can’t wait to see how He molds and shapes you as you grow up. We love you to pieces, but we’re pretty sure your sister loves you the most. You two are already best friends and we LOVE watching the two of you together! Happy 1st birthday, beautiful girl. Nous t’aimons!
Catherine coming in to meet her sister is something I will treasure for a lifetime.
This was the moment my heart exploded… Catherine was completely in love with her sister!
Look at that little smile when she met her Aunt Kelly!
Anna, I’m so glad you came by to meet my baby girl.
To read Isa’s birth story, click HERE.
We enjoyed that so much! Thank you Sabrina for all you do to keep us up on our grandbabies. You are an amazing mother. We so look forward to being closer soon.