
December 15, 2015

Kayla + Nick | A Downtown Greenville Surprise Proposal

As I stood at the spot where we agreed to meet, my mind began wandering back to the first time I’d photographed him and his family… in that very same park.  He was about 14 years old and I was on the very beginning end of my photography career.  And by very beginning, I mean that when I went to edit their photos, I realized I’d shot their whole session at ISO 3200 in the middle of the afternoon.  In other words, I had no idea what I was doing!

So as he came down the steps, I had years of knowing this kid flashing through my mind… youth trips, Upward events, Mr. Eastside contests, seeing him off to prom his senior year of high school… and the tears just started flowing.  The next day he would be asking the girl of his dreams to be his WIFE!  And I was going to have the honor and joy of capturing it all in photos.

Nick and his family have been like family to me since they moved to South Carolina from one of those mid-western/northern states ;-).  So it’s really like one of my little brothers is getting married.  And I could not be more THRILLED for him.  Kayla, I know it was all a complete surprise and I hope it’s starting to sink in a bit.  I’m so excited to get to know you more over the coming year… you are beautiful and if Nick’s family loves you, then I already love you too :-)

Nick wanted some shots of them coming into the park, so I was across the way, zoom lens in hand, and my heart racing!

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They went to get fro-yo and then wander downtown a bit – so that she wouldn’t get suspicious – and I honestly felt like the paparazzi waiting for them and then following them back to “the spot”!

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I love that he’s getting down on one knee and she still doesn’t have any idea what’s about to happen…

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Tears.  Lots of happy tears (from all three of us)!

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I. love. this.


She was in complete shock!  It was so much fun!

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Nick, I will do my best to photograph this ring, but I don’t think any photos will do it justice!

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Nick also surprised her with an engagement party at Due South later that evening!

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Congrats again, you guys!!!

  1. Sherry Love Pellegrino says:

    Thank you so much for capturing a beautiful moment of Kayla & Nick. The pictures are incredible. Thanks again and it was really nice to meet you at Due South.
    Kayla’s Mom,

  2. […] know their engagement story because I posted about it last December over HERE. And if that was any indication of how their wedding day is going to go (which it might since I now […]

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