I’m actually 25 weeks along already, but we didn’t take a bump photo last week and the week before that was in Paris. And I didn’t really want to do a side-by-side with our front door in one photo and the Eiffel Tower in the other! So, I went back a few weeks for the comparison photo :-)
It feels like Isabella is so much bigger than Catherine was at any stage, but looking at these photos, she doesn’t seems quite as huge as I feel like she is. Life is so much different this time around since chasing a toddler around while growing a human adds another level of energy that is very difficult to muster at times. But when I spent some time with one of my best friends yesterday who has two girls about 2 years apart, it gave me another glimpse into what our life will look like in about 5 years. And I love the relationship those two girls have!
My prayer over our two is that God will be their main focus, their go-to, and the One they think of first for everything. And other than coming to us, their parents for things, I pray that they will be close friends and always be FOR each other no matter what comes up in life. I only have a brother so I don’t know what having a sister is like, but talking with several of my sweet brides whose sisters are their best friends, my hope is that Catherine and Isabella will have that from the beginning too!
And from what we can tell so far, Catherine is going to be an amazing big sister!
She loves giving bisous (kisses) to Isa and it melts my heart when I see her on her tip-toes to do so!
I’m still feeling pretty good and still doing crossfit about 3 times a week (although I don’t always want to go, I know it’s worth it). Plus, Catherine loves roaming around the gym after the workout and doing her own workouts (climbing on boxes, doing her version of burpees (she kisses the floor each time, I guess because that’s what she thinks is happening when we do burpees!), rowing, doing ab-mat situps, stretching, and getting on the rings every so often).
I’m still working and shooting and feeling great about it! There are several shoot this week (including our own family photos!) and I have a birth mom due next week so I’m waiting on the call from here that baby is on the way :-) I have another birth mom due at the end of December, a wedding in January and one more birth mom due at the beginning of February. It sounds like a lot, but it’s all so spaced out and I honestly have the best clients ever who are so patient with me (mostly when I need to stop and catch my breath!) and are so concerned with how I’m doing and feeling that the strain on my body isn’t even that noticeable.
We’re excited for the holidays and a little break time with family… but until then, there’s still lots of beautiful Paris photos to edit! So be on the lookout for plenty of those on the blog soon!
To see more baby bump posts (from both pregnancies), click HERE.