
May 27, 2020

Cameron Leonardo | At-Home Newborn Session

So many things look different than anyone could have imagined months ago as plans were laid out for this year. But one thing I’ve been blown away with is how my clients, friends and family have handled this time with grace and love.

With all precautions taken to keep them and myself safe, I went to meet Elizabeth and Chamron’s new bundle of joy at their home since we were unable to do Fresh48 photos at the hospital like Elizabeth had originally hoped.  So, in Fresh48 fashion, I’m blogging his session in black & white as if we had been at the hospital :-)

Oh my heavens, what a sweet little peanut Cameron Leonardo is!!!  He has such an adorable little face, cheeks that you could just kiss on for days and the only time he cried was when his parents bravely changed his swaddle and he wasn’t as warm and snuggled as he’d been a minute before that.  But he quickly settled back into his new situation and wrapped up his session like a pro.

Elizabeth and Chamron, congratulations!!  Cameron is so incredibly sweet and I love getting to spend a little bit of (socially distanced) time with you!

I didn’t know these two when they got married, but I love that their wedding photo is in Cameron’s newborn photos.

These next several I’ve lovingly dubbed “Quarantine Emotions – Within 5 Seconds”.

Sweet boy, you have two parents that are THRILLED you are here!
You are so loved and I hope you remember that each time you look back at these photos as you grow up!

To view other at-home newborn sessions, click HERE.

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