I know there are lots of us ready to see 2020 in our rearview mirrors… but Colleen and Andrew are ready because it means their wedding day will be that much closer! Also, this year has been a huge blessing for them because it’s when they met. During a world pandemic no less!
They met on a dating app (which was just a dating website when my husband and I met!) and met for drinks just in case things didn’t go well… but Andrew said on their first date that Colleen was a breath of fresh air so he asked her to stay for dinner so they could keep talking. After talking on the phone and FaceTime with them, I just knew they were going to be fun to get to know. And in person, they’re even more wonderful than FaceTime led me to believe!! They were smiling and laughing together the entire time! But goodness, those serious photos could be magazine cover worthy.
Andrew had quite the plan for his proposal to Colleen. They love to bike and had gone up into the mountains to ride one weekend. She thought things were so normal that she didn’t even get her nails done before the weekend… and she ALWAYS has her nails done! Andrew, this fact alone deserves so many points since she was truly going to be SO surprised! And was she ever. They stopped at an overlook where he got down on one knee, asking her to be his wife, and when she looked up from saying yes, both of their families were there to celebrate with them!
You guys, cheers to the two of you, to truly making the best of 2020 and for the incredible future you will have together!
To see more engagement sessions, click HERE.