Haley and Will first met at Clemson when they were students there so it was only natural that we do their engagement photos there while they were both in town.
Haley has been doing graduate work in another state and Will has been out of the country in Veterinary school (how cool is that??). Will said it had been at least 2.5 years since he’d been anywhere close to campus. And with football season starting THIS week, all three of us could feel the excitement of fall and being “home” in the air.
I’m pretty sure some of that excited was Will and Haley just thankful that they were in the same place after living so far apart for so long. But, that little fact made Will’s surprise proposal that much more exciting! Haley was in Savannah and was spending the evening with Will’s brother and sister-in-law until Will arrived the next day. They hadn’t seen each other in 3 months so they were ready to be face to face!
However, he had worked it out with everyone (but Haley) to be there that same day and in the right spot so as to surprise Haley. As she and Will’s sister-in-law were walking through downtown, they passed one of the squares and Haley saw a guy standing by one of the fountains that looked like Will. She was shocked and so excited when she realized it WAS him and even more so when he began to tell her just how much he loved her and asked her to be his wife!
Sunrise is one of my favorite times of day to photograph. It’s extra quiet and the light is BEAUTIFUL.
As if their session wasn’t going wonderfully enough, Haley’s sweet mom brought her dog to Clemson for some of their photos!
I had a cocker spaniel growing up and their adorable faces get me every time!
That morning light filtering through the trees of the Botanical Gardens was worth the early wakeup call!
We wrapped up their engagement session in Death Valley. It’s always a little surreal being in there when NO ONE else is around because we’re usually in the stands with 82,000 of our closest friends on game days :-)
You guys are the cutest and I CANNOT wait for your wedding in February!
To see more engagement photos, feel free to click HERE.
To see more Clemson posts, click HERE.
[…] Haley + Will – Clemson, SC […]