
August 15, 2018

Paris Session | Ben + Turner

These two have been in front of my camera so many times at this point that instead of our first conversation being about how “the first 15-20 minutes in front of my camera may be awkward”, it’s centered around huge hugs and catching up with life!  I love it.

And this time there was a LOT to catch up on!  They are currently stationed in Germany while Ben is living out his dream of being an Air Force pilot.  And Turner is living out her dream of being his wife and traveling whenever they have the chance.  I loved being able to hear how they’re adjusting to life overseas and the stories and mishaps that come with transitioning to a new life.  But there’s also something so endearing about seeing familiar faces in a foreign place.

Yes, I’ve been to France a good bit, so part of it feels like home to me.  But being able to hug someone that you know in a place you don’t live is life-giving.

I wish we could have had more time to hang out, but schedules only aligned enough for us to do a session and grab breakfast together.  Which was still wonderful!  Ben and Turner, thank you guys for making the short trek to Paris for these photos.  I hope you love them as much as I do!

Turner, you were stunning your gorgeous Gal Meets Glam dress!!

It’s been 2 years since their wedding day, but they still laugh together SO well!

I’m still toying with film and learning its nuances, but Ben and Turner were so gracious and patient as I shot two rolls of film during their session.  I’m far from perfecting it, but I do know that I absolutely adore it and I fall more in love with photography with each click of the shutter.  There wasn’t enough light for film until we arrived at the Louvre so the image on the right below is the first film photograph in the blog post.

As nerdy and cliché as it sounds, I’m such a sucker for old architecture.  It’s just so beautiful.  Besides, the history of the Louvre and everything I learned about it in school always comes flooding back and I get swept up in it all when I’m there.

It was actually the morning of Bastille Day when we met for their session, so streets were being blocked off and monuments and museums were being blocked off too.  So, this was actually the closest we could get to the museum, but it was still well worth the trek.

That backdrop though…

I’m pretty sure this one is my favorite from their entire session!
It hadn’t rained, but this section of sidewalk was wet and I wanted to incorporate it, so we did :-)

To see more posts about Paris, click HERE.
To chat about your OWN Paris Session, you can contact me HERE!

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