
August 27, 2012

10 Things I Learned From Our Yard Sale

If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you may have noticed that we had a yard sale on Saturday :-)  Since we both owned our homes when we got married, the amount of things we both had was too much for one house, so we finally had a yard sale to try and lower the number of items between us.  It was a relief when it was over and we’d made the run to Goodwill to drop off things that weren’t sold (we tried our best to stick with the “What comes out of the house doesn’t come back in!” motto).  But, we didn’t do that with everything so if you’re lucky, you may still be able to purchase some things as I post them on Facebook in the coming weeks!

To get the week started though, I thought I’d share a few things we learned with our Yard Sale experience.


  1. There are more websites out there about How to Have a Good Yard Sale than I ever thought there would be.  AND they’re quite helpful!
  2. Yard sales start way too early. Getting up at 5am to get ready for the day is just not my thing… especially on a Saturday.
  3. Having a husband that speaks Spanish is mucho beneficial (see what I did there…??).
  4. Watching and listening to my husband speak Spanish is really awesome (but I didn’t need to have a yard sale to know that :-))
  5. We were able to use our little chalkboards from the wedding as some of the pricing signs!  I love being able to repurpose things.
  6. Having snacks to munch on during the yard sale is a MUST.
  7. Couches from the mid-1900s are heavier than they look.  And you WILL feel it the next day.
  8. Early Birds will show up before your start time no matter how you try and keep them away.
  9. But those Early Birds will buy a fair amount of items!
  10. Pricing for a yard sale is almost as difficult as pricing photography packages.

Do you guys have any yard sale tips that you’ve learned??  Would love to hear them!

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