
November 14, 2018

Isabelle Marie | Fresh48 | St. Francis

Liz and her husband were at the hospital and labor was progressing slowly.  I was on standby at home, bags packed and ready to go and checking in every few hours to see how things were going and how Liz was doing.

However, the short of it is that sweet Isabelle didn’t seem to be in any kind of rush to get here.  Until all of a sudden she was!

When one of my birth moms is in labor, I typically wait to go up to the hospital until she is around 6-7cm.  That way, she doesn’t feel pressure of me being there during the entirety of labor and it generally helps things at our home and keeping our schedule and routine moving along.

For the most part, this works perfectly.  But sometimes, things progress faster than the mom is able to be checked and baby is ready to come regardless of who is there (including the doctor sometimes!).

So, after hearing the story of when and how she came, there was literally nothing any of us could have done!  So, we opted for the next best thing… I went to the hospital the next afternoon for some photos of brand new Isabelle with her family as well as getting to meet her big brother for the first time (cue all the heart eyes).

Liz and Kevin, thank you for trusting me with such a sweet and beautiful beginning with your baby girl!  I loved getting to meet her and so many members of your family.  There is no doubt how much this girl is loved and adored already!

That is 4 generations in the photo below…

That hair!!  My 21 month old still doesn’t have that much hair…

Her big brother loved getting to meet her.

Less than a day old and trying to hold her head up #overachiever :-)

I wanted to use the last of the sunlight while we could and the shadows are everything in these photos!

Baby yawns and teary eyes from your grandfather are some of the BEST things.

Clearly she will have to be ok with all of the photos she’ll have taken of her…

If you’re interested in birth or Fresh48 photos of your own little one,
I’d love for you to contact me through my birth website HERE.

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