Thankful Thursday

December 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday (on Wednesday)

It’s Thankful Thursday!  On Wednesday… but there’s a good reason for that!  Tomorrow is Thursday and my first day as a full time photographer (still can’t believe it’s really happening…), but today is my last day at an office other than my own.

I’ve had two incredible jobs since finishing college and moving home from Belgium.  After spending five and a half years at Upward Sports, God started calling me towards photography, but it wasn’t time to step into it full time.  So, He provided my church, Grace Church, with a job that was perfect for me.  Both positions, both places, both ministries are full of people that love the Lord and who loved me, encouraged me, poured into me, prayed for me, supported me, cheered for me, and have been so excited for this next step.  I’d thought about trying to list everyone’s names, but the fact that those who have helped me get to this point reach far beyond those two ministries, I didn’t want to forget someone!!

The high school girls in my d-group (discipleship group), their families, my brides and their families, my families that have entrusted me with their portraits over the years, the photographers I’ve met along the way (the ones I’ve learned from and the ones I’ve learned with… from around the globe!), not to mention my OWN family and my amazing husband… they’re ALL a huge part of my dream coming true and I’m SO THANKFUL.

My photographer friend, Michael Lamb, (who taught me how to use my flash that day!), took this photo at an Upward photo shoot back in 2009.  It’s still one of my favorites :-)

  1. jodi says:

    So excited for you as you take this next step in your journey! God is so good to take care of us and let us do work that we enjoy! Celebrating along with you – woo hoo!!

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