
May 29, 2018

Reese Ann | Greenville Birth Photographer | Patewood Memorial

Stephanie had been having signs for about a week that Reese was on her way.  She definitely wasn’t in labor the entire week, but we knew it was getting close to time!  So the following Thursday when it WAS time for Reese to come, I was checking in with Stephanie all day.  At one point she was around 5cm, but I try to wait until the mom is closer to 7cm before I go to the hospital.

Except… the next time Stephanie was checked, she was at 10cm!  She called me so I knew something had to be going on and she said that she’d said to Joe just before calling, “Sabrina is going to kill me!”  The reason being she basically did the same thing when Harper was born 2 years ago ;-)

It’s ok, Steph, aside from a little adrenaline, driving to the hospital in 5:00pm traffic, and rushing into the hospital to be sure I didn’t miss anything, everything was perfect!  We just agreed that if there’s a next time, then I’ll just head to the hospital sooner rather than later!  Reese Ann arrived quickly and was delivered by the same doctor and nurse that delivered her sister.  A dream team, for sure!

Enjoy some of my favorites… including one of Reese’s FIRST smile!

I wasn’t kidding… I was barely there 15 minutes before she started pushing!

Annnd, she pushed maybe twice before Reese was born!  Even Dr. DuBose was excited!

Barely 10 minutes old and Reese was trying to lift her head.

The dream team :-)

I LOVE this because Joe is SO happy and Reese is less than impressed with her first selfie.

Harper immediately wanted to hold “her baby!”

Finally, Harper’s dream came true :-)

Harper, the rest of us couldn’t get enough of her either!

I could NOT believe that I was able to capture this sweet smile!!

I don’t always remember to get photos with the sweet babies, but thankfully Stephanie remembered and Joe gladly took my camera like he did when Harper was born!  Harper’s on the left and Reese is on the right.

If you would like to see more birth stories, click here.

To find more information about me capturing your own baby’s birth, click here.

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