While in the delivery room waiting on the arrival of their third little girl, I looked at Stephanie and said, “Do you realize it’s right at 10 years since we first met?” Both of us were single, neither of us even had a date on the horizon… and since then, we’ve been at each other’s weddings, multiple prayer mornings, baby showers, play dates, and kept each others kiddos a multiple of times.
And the fact that we both have all girls and they’re mostly all a year apart and that they’re sweet friends makes my heart so incredibly happy. Also, having the chance to photograph each of these girls being born and their first photos at home literally brings me SO much JOY!
What hurts right now is that my girls cried when I told them we were taking a meal over but wouldn’t be able to get out of the car to play. Each time I’ve seen this sweet family since Cece was born (the last couple of times were at a distance because of social distancing), Harper has asked where my girls are. And my two are SO excited to meet Harper and Reese’s baby sister! And I’m so excited for the day I finally get to hold and snuggle her :-)
I’m not doing any birth or newborn sessions right now since we’re all staying home and trying to knock out Covid-19. Thankfully this sweet baby girl was born JUST before all of those restrictions went into place and we just barely squeezed in her newborn photos too. But oh my goodness I’m so glad we did. Joe and Steph, she’s beautiful. Just like your first two girls!
We were able to get sleeping photos of each of their girls swaddled in this same blanket and I just love it!
The photo on the right below is 100% a “birth order” photo… the oldest is paying attention and doing what she’s asked. The middle child is doing anything but that while also making us laugh. And the baby is the most chill of them all and slept the ENTIRE time.
I would usually break up these next 4 photos throughout the post because they’re all so similar.
But the progression was too good not to share them all together!
Their wedding photos were ones that my husband and I took for their wedding in 2012 so you know I love that they’re on the wall behind them while they snuggle with their babies!
Reese, please don’t hate me for posting this photo of you. You are sweet and sassy and full of spice and cuteness… you and Isa have the ability to stick that lower lip out like no one I’ve ever seen before! We love you to pieces and that lip and tear were too much not to share!
To see Cece’s birth photos, click HERE.
You can also see Harper’s birth and Reese’s birth.
As well as Harper’s newborn photos and Reese’s newborn photos.